Thanks to the work of our 2011 sound recording technician Bud Huber selected soundtracks of the 2011 Boquete performances are now available for your listening pleasure and for FREE downloads (non-commercial purposes only!). Just go to the Gallery page of this website and enjoy!
We already have 15 members of the Club of Friends of BJBF, tendency rising! Bookings for tickets to our festival are also starting to roll in! Join the trend, become of member of the Club, or book your tickets online now!
We just posted a new Betty Bryant video on the artists page of this website! Go to the 'Artists" page and enjoy!
We had another free great concert in the Boquete central park on Sunday, Dec. 11. The Rigoberto Coba Latin Jazz quartet was better than ever. This was - musically - the best concert in the series so far, but it was quite a disappointment that most of the expat and Panamanian community in Boquete chose to ignore it! Let's hope that the turn-out will be better at the 6th free concert which will take place on January 8, 2012.
You can now book your festival tickets online! Just go to the 'Tickets' page (submenu of 'Program') and check out the various options. Payment goes through our partner company, and you'll be charged only after receiving a confirmation from us. Then bring that confirmation with you to the festival, and you're in, it's as simple as that! Here's looking forward to seeing you at the festival!
OK, the Panamanian holiday month of November (Las Ferias Patrias) is finally over and everybody's got to go back to work after partying hard. Last weekend it was the independence from Colombia in 1903 that needs to be celebrated for 4 days every year with endless, colourful parades and marching bands, and hard partying 'til late at it's time to get ready for Christmas, change the decorations, and prepare for another round of festivities....Panamanians do love to have a good time, and they know how to do it!
Boquete Jazz & Blues Festival Blog
AuthorMy name is Hans-J. Lebuser. I'm the webmaster of the Boquete Jazz & Blues Foundation. You can reach me at bjbfwebmaster @ (omit spaces) Categories