the payment will be rejected by your bank or credit card company! Please make sure that you enter the address that's on file with your credit card company or the bank which issued the credit card. Otherwise
We have been notified of several instances where people had trouble purchasing festival tickets or Fedora Club memberships through our website. The reason was in most cases that a wrong address was entered with the credit card details.
the payment will be rejected by your bank or credit card company! Please make sure that you enter the address that's on file with your credit card company or the bank which issued the credit card. Otherwise Festival tickets will be available for purchase also at the offices of Mailboxes ETC. in Bocas del Toro and Chitre very soon, in addition to the offices in Boquete and David.
Of course, tickets will also remain to be available for purchasing online via this website! Festival tickets and memberships to our VIP FEDORA Club are now available for online purchasing! Just go to the ticket page on this website by clicking here!
We are not going to mail any tickets. All tickets purchased online will be held at will call. You can help us tremendously with financing the event by purchasing your tickets early! If you want to do a little more please consider becoming a member of our FEDORA Club, the very special club for very special people! No worries! The festival will take place come rain, come shine! Ticket prices for the 2014 Boquete Jazz&Blues festival have been set as follows:
Advance sales until Jan31, 2014: $20 1day ticket valid for either Feb.15 or Feb.16 $35 2day pass Sales after Jan. 31, 2014 and at the door: $25 1day ticket valid for either Feb.15 or Feb.16 $45 2day pass Free entry for juniors before their 12th birthday, if accompanied by an adult Save by getting your tickets early! Tickets will go on sale locally and online in early November The BJBF2014 line-up is scheduled to be announced in mid-October Please send your membership applications for the BJBF Fedora Club to sales @ boquetejazzandbluesfestival (omit spaces) 1year membership fees are $200 for singles and $300 for couples. Get VIP status, your festival pass and more benefits by signing up for the club! You can now buy your tickets and/or our great contribution packages for the 2013 Boquete Jazz&Blues Festival online! Just go to our tickets&c ontribution packages page by clicking:
You'll help us a lot with financing the festival if you buy your tickets or a contribution package early! Hope to see you in beautiful Boquete next year! You can now book your festival tickets online! Just go to the 'Tickets' page (submenu of 'Program') and check out the various options. Payment goes through our partner company, and you'll be charged only after receiving a confirmation from us. Then bring that confirmation with you to the festival, and you're in, it's as simple as that! Here's looking forward to seeing you at the festival!
Boquete Jazz & Blues Festival Blog
AuthorMy name is Hans-J. Lebuser. I'm the webmaster of the Boquete Jazz & Blues Foundation. You can reach me at bjbfwebmaster @ (omit spaces) Categories